Forces of Fantasy

A podcast about all things Warhammer Fantasy and then some.

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37 - Halloween special

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024

Spooky season is upon us! But why do we (well, you, probably) celebrate Halloween? Let's dive into some real-world origins of this haunted holiday. And let's also not forget to explore some terrifying tales from the Undead and Vampire Counts army books.
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Thursday Sep 19, 2024

What if you don’t want to play regular Warhammer? Then there’s the Warhammer Fantasy Role Playing game! And what if you don’t want that either? Don’t worry, White Dwarf 83 has got you covered with a special mini game. And if you don’t want to play THAT either? Well, then I’m sorry it took you 36 episodes to realize, but then this might just not be the podcast for you. But for all the rest of you, here’s a new episode full of Vikings, Ogre on Chaos Dwarf carnage (with some added Fanatics and a robot, because, why not?) and if you’re quick some new Chaos Made to Order miniatures.
#warhammer #warhammertheoldworld #gamesworkshop #warhammerfantasy #oldhammer
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Call of the Crown IV entries: CallOfTheCrown [at] gmail [dot] com
Patreon WD 82 WFRP special:
Chaos Made to Order:
Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl dude for conversion:
Want to get in touch? Here's a bunch of links.
www.forcesoffantasy.com E: forcesoffantasy [at] gmail [dot] comSubscribe to the YouTube channel Come check out the Forces of Fantasy Facebook community at, follow for all the latest news and join the Forces of Fantasy Patreon for exclusive bonus content at 

35 - Hello, sailor!

Wednesday Sep 11, 2024

Wednesday Sep 11, 2024

Warhammer takes to the seas in this White Dwarf 82 article with "simple" (and notoriously incomplete) rules for sailing ships. Get some cardboard and balsa wood to build ships, bang them together until they sink and hope there's room for you too on that door.
In sadder news, we learn that beloved White Dwarf editor Paul Sawyer has fallen terminally ill. His family have set up a GoFundMe to make Paul's final months as comfortable as possible: If you're the praying type, I encourage you to say a prayer for Paul and his family.
#warhammer #warhammertheoldworld #gamesworkshop #warhammerfantasy #oldhammer
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Want to get in touch? Here's a bunch of links.
www.forcesoffantasy.com E: forcesoffantasy [at] gmail [dot] comSubscribe to the YouTube channel Come check out the Forces of Fantasy Facebook community at, follow for all the latest news and join the Forces of Fantasy Patreon for exclusive bonus content at 

34 - Ninja vs Chaos Warriors

Tuesday Sep 03, 2024

Tuesday Sep 03, 2024

There's a lot to unpack in White Dwarf 81, which is exactly what we're going to do in this episode. Well, after grumpy old GJ ranting on about new miniatures and how the pacing of GW is too fast and how franchises used to be better in the past, that is.
#warhammer #warhammertheoldworld #gamesworkshop #warhammerfantasy #oldhammer
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Want to get in touch? Here's a bunch of links.
www.forcesoffantasy.com E: forcesoffantasy [at] gmail [dot] comSubscribe to the YouTube channel Come check out the Forces of Fantasy Facebook community at, follow for all the latest news and join the Forces of Fantasy Patreon for exclusive bonus content at 

Monday Aug 26, 2024

What do you do when you learn about the existence of your evil kin? You gather all troops you can find and march to war! That is exactly what king Ulfar Stonehammer does when he learns about the existence of Chaos Dwarfs. But is leaving home at a time like this such a good idea? Before you know it, your hold gets retroactively taken over by Goblins! In this episode we delve into White Dwarf 80 and meet the Imperial Dwarfs.

32 - Of Ogres and Chaos Dwarfs

Saturday Jun 01, 2024

Saturday Jun 01, 2024

Guess what? I’m not dead yet! [Cue disappointed groans] No, honestly, I’m getting better! Anyway, while real life has so far kept getting in the way of recording another episode, I have been devising some cunning plans to get back out there again. One of them is to make shorter episodes (the topics at hand lend themselves very well to that). Another one is to just get behind the microphone and record. Which is exactly what I did! Enjoy this discussion of the newly released (back in '86) Chaos Dwarf and Ogre miniatures!
#warhammer #warhammertheoldworld #gamesworkshop #warhammerfantasy #oldhammer
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Want to get in touch? Here's a bunch of links.
www.forcesoffantasy.com E: forcesoffantasy [at] gmail [dot] comSubscribe to the YouTube channel Come check out the Forces of Fantasy Facebook community at, follow for all the latest news and join the Forces of Fantasy Patreon for exclusive bonus content at 

Friday Apr 05, 2024

++Enter host++List’ners far and wide, lend me thine ear,For ‘tis a sorry tale that you will hear.Of treachery, prophecy, monsters and booze,And of conspirators that cannot rhyme even if they tried really hard and were all helping each other.++Exit host++
That’s right, it’s time for the Tragedy of McDeath! Enjoy this gripping tale, played out in no less than five scenarios, as well as of course your regular news and hobby updates.
Links to the articles discussed:
O&G pre-orders:
O&G Made to Order:
Painting Orcs:
Chaos Lord on beasty:
Warcry warbands:
Dwarfs preview:
Disappearing units:
And of course the dramatization of McDeath by the Master Tavern Keeper:
#warhammer #warhammertheoldworld #gamesworkshop #warhammerfantasy #oldhammer
!! Warfactor affiliate link: !!
Want to get in touch? Here's a bunch of links.
www.forcesoffantasy.com E: forcesoffantasy [at] gmail [dot] comSubscribe to the YouTube channel Come check out the Forces of Fantasy Facebook community at, follow for all the latest news and join the Forces of Fantasy Patreon for exclusive bonus content at

Tuesday Feb 06, 2024

For this episode we take a look at the third Citadel Journal (Spring '86). Turns out, there's a LOT to unpack. Not only do we get background and rules for some of the catalog miniatures, we also get an entire new faction, the Skaven, with full rules and lore. And as if that's not enough, the Terror of the Lichemaster continues with a three-way battle over the famous monastery of La Maisontaal. Get ready for the Forces of Fantasy's longest episode to date.
Links to the articles discussed:
Made to Order (sorry, too late): Legacy Factions pdfs: Journal Spring '86 on Stuff of Legends:
#warhammer #warhammertheoldworld #gamesworkshop #warhammerfantasy #oldhammer
Want to get in touch? Here's a bunch of links.
www.forcesoffantasy.com E: forcesoffantasy [at] gmail [dot] comSubscribe to the YouTube channel Come check out the Forces of Fantasy Facebook community at, follow for all the latest news and join the Forces of Fantasy Patreon for exclusive bonus content at 

Friday Jan 12, 2024

Visit Frugelhofen, they said. See the lovely mountain, they said. Walk over to the Bogels' dairy farm, they said. Wonder at the diligent Dwarf miners, they said. Get attacked by a horde of zombies and skeletons (flaming heads optional), that they didn't say. Nor that there is a very real chance of being killed so some run-down Necromancer named Kemmler can live for another day - or worse, that your life gets converted into a magic point for said Necro. Oh well, better get a sword and hide behind that halfling with the cooking pot on his head...
Links to the articles:
RIP Bryan Ansell:
Old World discussion videos: and
Mordheim Batrep:
Special Characters Speculations: 
Terror of the Lichemaster on Awesome Lies: 
Terror of the Lichemaster miniatures:
#warhammer #warhammertheoldworld #gamesworkshop #warhammerfantasy #oldhammer
Want to get in touch? Here's a bunch of links.
www.forcesoffantasy.com E: forcesoffantasy [at] gmail [dot] comSubscribe to the YouTube channel Come check out the Forces of Fantasy Facebook community at, follow for all the latest news and join the Forces of Fantasy Patreon for exclusive bonus content at 

Thursday Dec 21, 2023

A lot has happened in 2023, and I mean A LOT. Both in my personal life and related to the podcast. So let's take a look in the rearview mirror. Oh, and don't be surprised if you see an cybernetic reindeer pulling a sleigh loaded out with presents and cannons. It's all part of the time of the year (well, at least it was in 1985).
Links to the articles discussed: (and my video review here: 
#warhammer #warhammertheoldworld #gamesworkshop #warhammerfantasy #oldhammer
Want to get in touch? Here's a bunch of links.
www.forcesoffantasy.com E: forcesoffantasy [at] gmail [dot] comSubscribe to the YouTube channel Come check out the Forces of Fantasy Facebook community at, follow for all the latest news and join the Forces of Fantasy Patreon for exclusive bonus content at 

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